Unity 5
Jam Game
48 hours
3 people
After my... interesting Global Game Jam 2016 game, I wanted to build something simpler and try and make it as good as possible.
Fortunately, I met a couple of people in my program who shared the same interest, one of whom was just coming off a co-op term at EA Motive.
We made a couple of decisions right off the bat to help us focus including using sprites to minimize the time wasted with finding art as well as using some code as a base for our movement rather than reinventing the wheel during a jam.
During the jam, I completed the following work:
In the end, we produced a pretty fun game although it definitely was not the most original, being extremely similar to Ibb & Obb. I was pleased that in the game jam awards we tied for the most creative and won the ‘game people most wanted to see finished’ award.